FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: REMEMBER WHEN Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words remember and/or when, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on April 19th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Remember When will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, April 20th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Mary Mayer Shapiro


Depth, reflection perception 

Retains the image for that moment 

Grows along with me 

No judgment, acceptance 

Smiles, frowns 

Knows the true me 

Never shares my faults 

Shows present, not past or future 

My own picture album 

From birth to the end 

Shows health, sickness 

Shock, who is that old person 

Reflects the wall behind me 

Pictures showing years of growth 

Duplicate life on the other side 

Childhood, early adulthood, middle and late 

What has become of me 

Image is fading 

Mirror is cracking 

Like Grandfathers clock 

It is my time 

Bruce Brockmann 

2 / 1981 – 4 / 1981 

Pass dorm eight 

Enter an elevated hill 

To the right is smooth slopes 

Left over from the glacial debris 

A path which circles back 

From once it began 

It is known as the Point 

Upper St. Regis River 

Ebbs and flows 

Leaving gifts 

Then takes it away 

Each year Paul Smiths alumni 

Come to the sanctuary 

Making the annual trip 

Of going to the Point 

Fond memories of 

Past college days 

On top of the hill 

A plaque inserted  

In a boulder written 

Bruce Brockmann 

2 / 1981 – 4 / 1981 

Deep in the ground below 

His heart is buried 

Gaudian of the Point 

Watches over all who come 

To protect or survey the area 

Bruce Brockmann 

Is quite content 

Sitting on the boulder 

Watching the water flow 

Students and visitors 

Come and go 

On a foggy day 

You may see  

A figure in the 

Clouds touching the ground 

Beckoning you 

To share a peaceful moment 

Do you get the point 




Chief Richard C. Frost 

11/18/1958 - 3/31/2024 

As chief of Richmond Volunteer  

Fire Department 

Not an easy job 

Dedicated his service for  

Many years 

Must answer to the board 

Meetings, applying for grants 

Dealing with volunteers 

That cannot be fired 

When calls come in 

At any hour 

Volunteers come pouring in 

Puttin out fires 

Checking gas leaks 

False fire alarms 

Car crashes 

Runaway trees on the road 

By his side the love  

Of his life, Jan 

Who shares his passion 

And daughter Jess 

Who grew up in the firehouse 

A family event 

Always be remembered 

Wearing suspenders 

To hold up his pants 

At times his shirt  

Rises up  

Showing a crack  

As he walks away 

Hail to the chief 

Hail to the chief 

With the ringing of the bells  


  1. Nicely done. We still have a volunteer fire department in my home town and this captures it nicely

  2. Mary, I am not sure how you know my father but this is wonderful! Thank you for taking time to do this!


CLS Sandoval

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