FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: REMEMBER WHEN Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words remember and/or when, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on April 19th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Remember When will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, April 20th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Ellyn Maybe



It was a California palm tree in Joni Mitchell’s backyard.

It was a sunny day in LA and the records were being spun on the axis of the stars.

It was a freeway free of traffic.

It was a hat being blown Frisbee like into the teeth of a billboard.


The world was changing.
Smart phones were a future gleaming.

The world was orange peel and history biting its tongue.


The world was new, very young.

The world was on a first name basis with Earth,

People were not even a thought yet.


There was only space and luxurious rain,

There was only glow and the ambition of thunder.

There was only the memory of whatever was.

There was only a glimpse of a kaleidoscope wish.

There was only tomorrow leaving its footprints on today.

There was a lighthouse overlooking the sea like a cloud full of fire.

Things were encroaching.

It was only a matter of time.

Things were close.

It was only a matter of when.


Things were turning, spinning.

Things were coming down to the house of the open eye.

Things were coming into focus.

Things were coming into view.

Things were still hopeful.


There was an ice cream truck and a piano.

There was an apple and a room full of books.

There was a sky full of chords.

There was a dance still finding its feet.

There was a beach.

There was a billboard.


Things were fast.

Technology and the sweet note lived in the mouth of the rain.

Theater and the stage lived in the crook of one’s elbow.

Everything was right where we left it.

Everything there for the moment.

Everything there made of time and flour.

Eating up our life with memory and the time before backyards kept the trees company.

As they rooted the music within.

ellyn & robbie's video of A Matter of When

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